A blog for 3 friends to keep in touch and motivate each other to keep creating!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Training him right!

As you know after our trip to the resale store on Saturday I saw the sign for the "sale". Well DH had to be back in Louisville for a meeting so he went to check out the sale! He left here early to make it before 9:00 (oops....I didn't think to tell him it doesn't open until 10:00). But he waited. After going thru the store this is the photo of what the back on the van looks like.

While he is "training" well at getting good bargins I still need to work on the "free" pickups with him! Oh wait....he did pick up a few free items! I asked him to check on the "door panels" we found and to pick them up. Well....he was so happy with himself. He got them ALL....and they had a price tag of FREE on them!!! So girls...after I look at them all and choose my few projects then I will see if you chicks want to other ones...Chick #3....I know you Mother Hen wanted one. What size do you think she would like? I will set one aside for her to "Thank" her for all the wonderful plants she gave me.


  1. I wish I could tell what all is in the van. It all looks quite interesting. I can't wait to hear all about it. Is there a sink in all that? Isn't that what he was really after? Maybe a few more close up pics now that he has the goods at home. Would love to see his finds! BTW, DH is considering putting the topper on the van because I have come across a few vintage shops I would like to visit on our way to Florida. Aren't they great!
