A blog for 3 friends to keep in touch and motivate each other to keep creating!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cabinet Door Project

I used the first of my cabinet door purchases to make a new "Welcome" sign for the porch. I did nothing but clean the door, no sanding or painting. I attached a knob to the top of the door and hung a bird/picture frame that I bought at Traderbaker's yesterday. Instead of adding a photo, I inserted a scrap of paper and a "C". I put this in place of the flag that we had hanging by the door on the porch. I have placed the flag up on our mantel for the time being. I think I like it there so it will probably stay for a while.

1 comment:

  1. This is way to cute. I think I will look at them again when I go back on Saturday to see if I can find more. I have one small one that I am going to use for our house numbers. I have to have house numbers on two spots of our home and if I can't find another small one I think I will do something like this on a bigger one. Great Job! Also, we have a trader bakers here!!! I haven't had time to go check it out and as soon as the boxes are unpacked....I will make a trip!
