A blog for 3 friends to keep in touch and motivate each other to keep creating!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Miles and Miles of Yard Sales!

So the family and I loaded up in the van and went to the 127 yard sales this weekend. It is a site in itself to see all the yard sales. But I must say.....I only bought one thing. Not sure if I wasn't motivated to buy being that I just unpacked millions of boxes and still not sure where to put some of the things I already have, or the amount of "projects" waiting to be done, or the lack of my boodling chicks! I will go with the last one! So girls.....next year.....we need to plan it. The family were troopers....but not very inspiring! I didn't even take a photo! I must be slipping. The one item I bought was an old RC cola bottle. The only reason I got it was my great-grandfather worked there for years. Most of them you find do not have the location on them but this one did list the Danville plant....which is why I thought it was cool. I only paid 2 bucks for it. Not bad.

Oh another note. The house is getting there and I know you both have been wanting to see photos....I am going to take them tomorrow after the kids are gone and the house is picked up. Then I will post them for you guys!

Hope everyone has a great week and the kids all enjoy their first days of school.


  1. I can't believe that you just bought one thing! What restraint. We should definitely plan to go next year. Can't wait to see some pics.

  2. Just one item! Wow! Sounds like a good one though. Am anxious to see those pics. Tell the kids to enjoy their 1st day. We are headed to Liberty tonight for our very last open house. In some ways I am very excited and in others I am sad. Sure will miss seeing my other chicks there.

  3. Somehow, I was still signed in as Chick #3 when she visited last. The previous comment is obviously from me!!!
