A blog for 3 friends to keep in touch and motivate each other to keep creating!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I made a seat cushion!

Remember the cute bench I picked up Goodwill last Spring. The bench was great, but the fabric on the seat cushion did not go with my decor. I bought fabric this summer to recover the cushion and just had it wrapped around the existing fabric. That was until today. I decided it was high time I began to complete some of the many projects around here.

I began by dissecting the original cover to use as my pattern.

I hit a few bumps along the road and it definitely isn't perfect, but it is complete. I love the freshness of the seersucker and have some great ideas for some pillows to add some more softness. I even used a zipper! I guess I should have straightened the baskets underneath. Oops.

1 comment:

  1. The cushion looks great and I am very impressed that you can sew in a zipper. Way to go.
