A blog for 3 friends to keep in touch and motivate each other to keep creating!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Vacation "Souvenirs"

This picture shows all the goodies I was able to pick up during our vacation. The boys were fairly excited about these stops and even pointed out Billboards that advertised Flea Malls! One item is a "gift" for Chick #1 if she can figure out which item I am referring to!!

I'm sure you're not surprised that I couldn't live without the orange and white polka dot enameled pot. There are some lanterns that I will paint red for out by the pool, a few books that I plan on using in a creative way I saw in a magazine, a robin's egg blue pail, cool old stool, some shutters, a couple of frames, and some other odds and ends. I will share pictures when their transformations are complete. Another item that I forgot to put in the picture is an old bowling ball that will be repurposed as a "gazing ball". That was fun to find. The boys got a kick out of that purchase. We actually had a few to choose from. There was another one that was way cooler, but more expensive. We decided that since we are covering it up we would save the neater color for someone that might want to use it in a different way than we did.

I couldn't get over the number of signs I saw advertising flea markets. Makes me want to go on a road trip!

1 comment:

  1. Well I can say I have studied this photo and
    I an not sure what my gift might be but I see
    many things I will take!!
