A blog for 3 friends to keep in touch and motivate each other to keep creating!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Looking for some motivation!

Well girls, I think I am slumping into the winter blues. How did it get so cold so fast? I told DH that I think I would be a better bear. The thought of hanging out in my house or the next few months sleeping and eating sounds like a pretty good plan. I promise that if you were to enter my "cave" I would welcome you gladly and try to get you to stay.
Since that isn't going to happen, I need some motivation. I need a good half-time locker room talk. Someone to tell me to get up off my seat and get some work done! We are trying to get the last cabinets from my mom's house today so we can finally set up the workshop in the garage. Currently, we can't even get my car in there. The goal this weekend is to be able to do so. I am writing this down so you can hold me accountable for our accomplishments this weekend.
Hope you have a great weekend. Enjoy the sunshine!


  1. So I am slow at reading the blog because I am like you.....entering the winter blues. A couch, blanket, sweats and the remote...have been my best friend! When you find what motivates you, call me I need help!

    I am thinking you really need to go get the beautiful cabnits at your mom's for your scrap room. They need some TLC and that will give you something to do...inside.

  2. The cabinets did get hung in the garage that weekend and believe it or not we even have one car in there as well. The problem is that all the stuff is shoved in front of the work area so no projects unless we move things around. We did it for the laundry room project, but it is so cold and snowy outside that I can't muster up the courage to be out there right now (even with the heater). I am anxious to work on the cabinets for my scrapbook room as well, but can't get them here myself and DH is way too busy for that project. Maybe next week when the kids are out of school, we can begin that project! It would be nice to have it completed before my brothers came home in January!
